ANZSBT invite you to a webinar with Ms Nicole Zacher (Chair, ANZSBT Transfusion Science Standing Committee) and Dr Giselle Kidson-Gerber (Haematologist, Prince of Wales Hospital and HOW Collaborative) who will discuss the soon to be released ANZSBT Guidelines for Laboratory Estimation of Fetomaternal Haemorrhage.
They will highlight key differences between the old and new Guidelines and discuss some of the controversies and challenges faced as they set about updating the Guideline.
Also, Prof Helen Liley (Neonatologist, Mater Mother’s Hospital) will present an update on the recently released Guideline for the Prophylactic Use of RhD Immunoglobulin in Pregnancy Care on behalf of the National Blood Authority.
DATE: 27 AUGUST 2021
TIME: 1:00 TO 2:00 PM AEST
Please click on this link:
Brochure information
The escalating COVID-19 crisis in Sydney and many other parts of Australia is a major challenge to many of our members, and also to patients with blood disorders located in these jurisdictions. We recognise the difficult challenges faced, and also the extraordinary efforts by many who continue to provide care for patients during this crisis. You are in our thoughts and we hope things improve soon. Please take care of yourselves, your loved ones and your colleagues.
Leanne Berkahn, Steve Lane and Valerie Orton, on behalf of the HSANZ Council.
HSANZ has been invited by RACP to nominate members for College medals and awards.
To acknowledge the outstanding achievements of our members, the College grants several medals and awards. These awards provide an opportunity for the College and its membership to recognise and celebrate the accomplishments of members as well as to promote their successes to inspire others.
These awards are usually presented annually at the College’s Convocation Ceremony immediately prior to the College’s Congress and include:
· The John Sands Medal
· The College Medal
· The RACP Mentor of the Year Award
· The RACP Trainee of the Year Award
· The RACP International Medal, and
· The RACP Medal for Clinical Service in Rural and Remote Areas
A flyer is attached and full details are on the RACP Foundation website
Applications close on 14 September 2021.
The Centre for Blood Transplant and Cell Therapies (CBTCT) brings together the largest allogeneic stem cell transplant units in Australia with a focus on identifying transplant and cell therapy strategies to reduce graft versus host disease and improve patient and disease outcomes after transplant. In this webinar series, speakers will review major topics in stem cell transplantation and cell therapy, highlighting how key advances are addressing the current challenges in stem cell transplantation. The sixth webinar of the series features Professor Charles Craddock who is the Director of the Centre of the Centre for Clinical Haematology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the recent president of the British Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. In this webinar, Professor Craddock will be highlighting the approaches to optimising outcomes for patients following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukaemia
Professor Charles Craddock – Queen Elizabeth Hospital and University of Birmingham
When: Monday 26 July 2021, 5pm AEST
Link to webinar:
Link to CBTCT website for all webinar recordings:
For more information click here
Fresh Science 2021
Apologies for the lateness of this, however it has only just been received.
Calling all early career researchers. Got results, a discovery or invention that has not received any publicity?
Nominate for Fresh Science 2021. Find your story, get media trained and promote your science. Nominations close 5pm AEST Thursday 29 July.
Now in its 23rd year, Fresh Science has trained over 550 scientists to share their science, and generated hundreds of news stories via TV, print, radio and online.
Fresh Science is looking for early-career researchers (from honours students to no more than five years post-PhD,) a peer-reviewed discovery that has had little or no media coverage; and some ability to present ideas in everyday English.
Participants receive a day of media training followed by the chance to share their work with peers at the pub. Their work will be profiled online, promoted by social media and, for some, the mainstream media.
For information, click here
A free education (CPD) program is available for members developed by MOGA and Medscape on New Treatment for Options for Cancer Associated Thrombosis
Click here for Postcard
Details here
Another publication by Karthik Nath in blood advances
Intratumoral T cells have a differential impact on FDG-PET parameters in follicular lymphoma
Data on the prognostic impact of pretherapy 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose–positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in follicular lymphoma (FL) is conflicting. The predictive utility of pretherapy total metabolic tumor volume (TMTV) and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) on outcome appears to vary between regimens. Chemoimmunotherapies vary in the extent of T-cell depletion they induce. The role of intratumoral T cells on pretherapy FDG-PET parameters is undefined. We assessed pretherapy FDG-PET parameters and quantified intratumoral T cells by multiple methodologies. Low intratumoral T cells associated with approximately sixfold higher TMTV, and FL nodes from patients with high TMTV showed increased malignant B-cell infiltration and fewer clonally expanded intratumoral CD81 and CD41 T-follicular helper cells than those with low TMTV. However, fluorescently labeled glucose uptake was higher in CD41 and CD81 T cells than intratumoral B cells. In patients with FDG-PET performed prior to excisional biopsy, SUVmax within the subsequently excised node associated with T cells but not B cells. In summary, TMTV best reflects the malignant B-cell burden in FL, whereas intratumoral T cells influence SUVmax. This may contribute to the contradictory results between the prognostic role of different FDG-PET parameters, particularly between short- and long-term T-cell–depleting chemoimmunotherapeutic regimens. The impact of glucose uptake in intratumoral T cells should be considered when interpreting pretherapy FDG-PET in FL.
For the full paper click here
We are delighted to share another publication by Julian Lindsay, a Leukaemia Foundation /HSANZ PhD Scholarship recipient. Julian is studying at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (in conjunction with University of Melbourne and The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA) and focusing on Preventing Infection in Haematological Malignancy and Bone Marrow Transplantation.
He has had a number of publications accepted and this is his most recent one:
NHMRC Centre for Blood Transplant and Cell Therapies Webinar 17 June 2021
The Centre for Blood Transplant and Cell Therapies (CBTCT) brings together the largest allogeneic stem cell transplant units in Australia with a focus on identifying transplant and cell therapy strategies to reduce graft versus host disease and improve patient and disease outcomes after transplant. In this webinar series, speakers will review major topics in stem cell transplantation and cell therapy, highlighting how key advances are addressing the current challenges in stem cell transplantation. The fifth webinar of the series features A/Prof John Koreth who is the Director of Translational Research in Stem Cell Transplantation at the Dana Faber Cancer Institute at the Harvard Medical School. In this talk, A/Prof Koreth will be outlining the role of regulatory T cells in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and their potential as therapeutic tools.
Associate Professor John Koreth – Dana Faber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School
When: Thursday 17 June 2021, 8am
On behalf of HSANZ President Leanne Berkahn and Vice President Steven Lane, this note is being shared from THANZ.
Dear colleagues,
Amidst the community concerns regarding COVID and COVID vaccination, some of us have noted cases of thrombocytopenia following COVID vaccination. Although immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) has been described in the medical literature following mRNA vaccines (Pfizer), we are now accumulating local experience with this phenomenon after AstraZeneca vaccination.
We are now LIVE with an online HREC approved REDCap registry to collect de-identified data on the presentation and clinical outcome of cases that you believe may represent an immune thrombocytopenia (Vaccine Induced ITP) following any COVID vaccination (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, etc). Some of these cases may occur as a relapse in patients with a prior history of ITP. Many cases may be de novo. Some patients may even share features with VITT/TTS (Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia). We would like to collect information on any of these presentations.
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly
Phil Choi ; Robert Bird or via THANZ with any queries. The link below requires no special software, and can be accessed and answered from your mobile device. So far it has taken clinicians less than 5 minutes to complete! All contributions will be acknowledged in any publications ensuing.
Dr Phil Choi (ACT) and Professor Robert Bird (Qld)
On behalf of the THANZ Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia Working Group, and ISTH Platelet Immunology Subcommittee
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