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HSANZ welcomes their charity and industry partners to offer a range of co-funded PhD Scholarships, Clinical Fellowships,
grants and awards annually, biennially and triennially.  Current partners include:

Leukaemia Foundation

The Leukaemia Foundation was founded in 1975 by Brisbane's first clinical haematologist. Dr Trevor Olsen, together
with the help of the Lions Club bought a lamina flow bed which was donated to the Mater Hospital. The new Foundation
set four goals:

  • to provide medical care
  • patient support
  • fund research
  • educate patients, their families, and nursing staff.

Over the years, other states established their Foundations and in 2016 it became a united organisation. They are dedicated
to helping those with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders survive and then live a better quality of life.
They reach 50% of all newly diagnosed people with blood cancer, whether they are located in metropolitan, regional, or remote
rural areas and, have also invested millions into vital research into better treatments and cures.

The partnership with the Leukaemia Foundation allows HSANZ to award up to three doctoral scholarships per year to Australian
applicants demonstrating outstanding merit in blood cancer or blood cancer related disorders.

 "Walking Up the Hill Foundation"

The Walking Up The Hill Foundation was established in 2016 honoring Marina Grunstein who lived the last year of her life with
myeloma. One of the aims of the Foundation is to provide financial support for medical research, specifically in the field of myeloma.

The partnership with Walking Up the Hill Foundation allowed the inaugural PhD to be awarded in 2018 and a further PhD scholarship

to be awarded in 2021.


Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation exists to support the quality of life for all people needing a bone marrow transplant.


Arrow look forward to the day when bone marrow transplants are no longer needed because researchers have found a better way to treat blood diseases. Or better yet, they’ve found a cure. Until then, Arrow exists to support bone marrow transplant patients and those who care for them.


For over 30 years, Arrow has:

  • provided financial support and information for bone marrow transplant patients, their families and carers
  • helped health care professionals further their training in bone marrow transplant related areas, and
  • funded life-saving research into bone marrow and stem cell therapies.


The Arrow HSANZ scholarship enables one PhD student to further their research into improving blood and marrow transplantation outcomes for patients.

American Society of Hematology

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) is the world's largest professional society, serving both clinicians and scientists around
the world who are working to conquer blood diseases.

Each year, ASH and HSANZ partner to offer the ASH-HSANZ Abstract Achievement Award at each ASH Annual Meeting. The recipient
must be a haematologist in training, be first or last author and presenter of the abstract, attend the meeting and present their abstract
to receive the award.

HSANZ also has collaborations with the following Societies:




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Sydney NSW 2000

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