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Vision and Purpose of HSANZ

HSANZ Vision: Transforming the lives of all people with blood disorders by harnessing the power of a collaborative haematology network

HSANZ Charitable Purpose: The purpose of the company is to promote the prevention and control of human diseases through the application
of Haematology and health management

HSANZ Mission: Leading, communicating and supporting excellence in haematology through independent education, professional
development and advocacy.

Constitution of Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand.

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HSANZ Council Charter

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HSANZ Equity Diversity and Inclusion Statement



Contrary to equality, where everyone is treated the same regardless of circumstances or individual differences, Equity focuses on fair treatment
and on ensuring access to opportunities to achieve necessary outcomes.


Diversity defines the variety of personal experiences, values, and views which arise from differences of culture and circumstance. The concept of
diversity encompasses acceptance, respect, and understanding of the uniqueness of each individual. This includes race, ethnicity, gender identity,
age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical abilities, geographic region, religious beliefs or political beliefs.


Inclusivity refers to the creation of an environment where all individuals feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued regardless of individual differences.

The Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand is committed to modelling Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity for the achievement of its
Mission and Charitable Purpose. We believe that a foundation built on mutual respect and acknowledgement of diversity is paramount to
achieving the highest potential in collaborative work in Haematology.

HSANZ Code of Conduct Policy

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HSANZ Conflict of Interest Policy

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145 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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