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MEMBERSHIP benefits, categories, and fees

You will need to be nominated and seconded by two existing financial Members of HSANZ to join us as a Member. Please contact the HSANZ office if you need help finding a Proposer or Seconder.


Membership Categories are:

  • Ordinary
  • Trainee
  • Associate
  • Associate Nurse

Honorary Life Members will be elected only on the recommendation of the Council and at an Annual General Meeting by the affirmative vote of the Members present.


Membership Benefits Ordinary  Associate/Trainee 
Advocacy to government and other allied organisations, to influence healthcare policies ✔ 
 HSANZ Event Discounts (incl Blood Conference, workshops and training seminars) 
 Assess to HSANZ Scholarships and Grants 
Voting rights ✔  ✘ 
Participation in Council ✘ 
Job Advertisements ✔  ✔ 
Support of Philanthropic Activities ✔  ✔ 
Electronic Membership Communication ✔  ✔ 
Networking (Access to National and International Opinion Leaders and Mentors) ✔ 

Membership Criteria  Category   Fees

Medical graduates who have engaged in the clinical or laboratory practice of haematology over a period of at least three years. Graduates in medicine or some other faculty recognised for the purpose by the Council of the Society who have maintained a commitment over at least three years in research relevant to haematology: such a commitment may be judged by completion of a higher qualification recognised by Council or by a substantial scientific contribution based on presentation of papers at scientific meetings or publications in scientific journals.

Ordinary $220 + GST
Individuals who are not eligible for ordinary membership but have made a significant contribution of the discipline of haematology. Eg: pharmacists, scientists
Associate $80 + GST
Haematologists in training in clinical and/or laboratory haematology. Trainee membership is available until completion of Fellowship training after which the trainee member must apply for ordinary membership. Trainee $90 + GST

Individuals engaged in haematology nursing or the development of this sphere of nursing or speciality who have a demonstrated commitment to and enthusiasm for haematology nursing and have been employed in the field for a minimum of two years.

 Associate Nurse $80 + GST

Annual subscription fees for HSANZ membership

Amounts are in Australian dollars.

If you are a resident of Australia 10% GST applies.


Subscriptions run from 1 July to 30 June the following year. Renewal notices will be sent out mid May for the following financial year and are due by 15 June to assist with end of year payments.


Candidates for Ordinary and Trainee membership of the Society shall be proposed and seconded by
Ordinary financial members of the Society.

Candidates for Associate membership of the Society shall be proposed and seconded by either two Ordinary
or one Ordinary and one Associate member.

Candidates for Associate Nurse membership shall be proposed and seconded by Ordinary or Associate Nurse members.

Any such proposal shall be made upon the application form, which will be approved by the Council. After consideration
of the applicant's qualifications and interest in the field of haematology, he/she may be declared an elected member
of the Society by a majority vote of the Council.


  • Applicants for Ordinary membership need a note on the application form from their proposer.
  • All applicants must have the application form signed by a proposer and seconder, who must be financial members of HSANZ.
  • Existing Trainee or Associate members who want to 'upgrade' to Ordinary membership must complete a new Application
    form for Ordinary Membership and provide a note on the application form from their proposer.
  • Associate Nurse members may have the application form signed by Associate Nurse members

You can start your membership application by downloading and completing the apprioriate form: 

You will need to have your application signed by a Proposer and Seconder, who are financial Ordinary members of HSANZ.

Once you have done this,choose the membership type via the online form and complete the next steps. You will be asked to upload a copy of your completed application form along with your resume showing your qualifications and the extent of personal involvement in the clinical or laboratory practice of haematology or your personal contribution to papers, publications, and other aspects of research relevant to haematology. You can pay online using your card or request an invoice.

Once you have uploaded the documents to the HSANZ website, your application will be submitted for approval. You will be notified when your application is approved. Please note that your application will not be activated until payment has been received. 


If you are a Trainee and have been awarded your Fellowships - you must upgrade to Ordinary Membership. Click this link to send a note to the HSANZ office to start the process.


As per the HSANZ Constitution 4.6 and 5.3, a Member's membership may be terminated if the Member fails to pay their annual subscription within two months after the date that the subscription was due to the Society.

Members whose subscriptions remain unpaid by 1 September will be classed as lapsed members. Thereafter, lapsed members are required to reapply for membership and pay a re-joining fee in addition to their current subscription.

Membership year starts from 1 July and ends 30 June. All fees shown are ex-GST.


145 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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