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  • 10 Aug 2020 5:23 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    You are invited to the Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry webinar

    - this is a free double event as it forms part of the National Myeloma Workshop (NMW) this year. 

    Please join MRDR for an update on registry progress, projects and Q&A.
    Date: Saturday, 5 September
    Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm AEST – NMW sessions stream through to the MRDR webinar
    You need to register for this dual free event: MRDR webinar and NMW, at 

    For full details of the NMW go here

  • 6 Aug 2020 3:02 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    MPN Alliance Australia established a website in 2018 for MPN patients and their families. 

    They work in partnership with the Leukaemia Foundation and aim to provide high quality, evidence-based MPN information.

    They have invited us to raise awareness amongst haematologists of their website and patient treatment information available for download in PDF in English and Arabic.
    Please see attached letter.  

  • 28 Jul 2020 11:17 AM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    The Centre for Blood Transplant and Cell Therapies (CBTCT) brings together the largest allogeneic stem cell transplant units in Australia with a focus on identifying transplant and cell therapy strategies to reduce graft versus host disease and improve patient and disease outcomes after transplant. In this webinar series, investigators from the CBTCT will review major topics in stem cell transplantation and cell therapy, highlighting how the activities of the CBTCT are addressing current challenges in stem cell transplantation. In this first webinar of the series, Professor Geoff Hill from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle will review the pathogenesis of graft versus host disease and discuss approaches to its prevention and treatment. Professor David Gottlieb will review the evidence for use of anti-T cell antibodies for prophylaxis of acute and chronic graft versus host disease in allogeneic stem cell transplant 


    Professor Geoff Hill - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre

    Professor David Gottlieb - Westmead Hospital and University of Sydney

    When: 6 August 2020 8am AEST

    To register: download flyer 

    For more information:

  • 23 Jul 2020 6:48 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    As you may be aware the RACP recently released the results of their survey of the use of new MBS  telehealth items by members. 

    They are currently developing a short paper on policy options to optimise the use of the new telehealth items beyond the COVID-19 pandemic which has been refined following consultation with members of the College Health Reform Reference Group (here). This paper is still a draft and would be finalised following extensive consultation with all specialties. Can you please provide any feedback on this paper to RACP by COB 4 August

    If you would prefer to send your feedback to Valerie in the office, by COB 3 August, she will collate and send this to RACP.

  • 16 Jul 2020 5:56 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    Are you a longer term member of HSA / NZ? 

    Do you have any photos of the early years?

    Would you like to tell us your story?

    If so, please contact Valerie Orton in the office who would love to talk to you.

    We'd like to pull together more stories of the history of HSA and HSANZ

  • 10 Jul 2020 9:42 AM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    Friday 28 August 2020, from 9am-12pm Attend virtually via livestream login

    OR in person (COVID-19 restrictions pending) Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,
    7th Floor Lecture Theatre B,
    305 Grattan Street, Melbourne

    Register at

    Registration is FREE

    for more information click here 

  • 9 Jul 2020 4:47 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    Press release from ASH

    (WASHINGTON, May 13, 2020) — The ASH Research Collaborative (ASH RC) COVID-19 Registry for Hematologic Malignancy has reached the critical milestone of surpassing its first 100 clinical cases submitted. 

    The ASH RC COVID-19 Registry, a global public reference tool with de-identified data on people with COVID-19 and a current or past diagnosis of a hematologic malignancy, launched on April 1 to provide near real-time observational data summaries to health care providers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “Our analysis of the preliminary data in the Registry suggests that roughly 75% of reported patients with blood cancer and COVID-19 experience mild to moderate illness; however, preliminary information that we are seeing about death rate in this population is concerning. Based on reports to the Registry so far, the death rate among patients with COVID-19 and blood cancer may be as high as 25%,” said Lisa Hicks, MD, Co-chair on the COVID-19 Registry for Hematologic Malignancy Task Force, and a hematologist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada. “While these insights are preliminary and require further study, they highlight the need for robust planning, advocacy, and action to minimize the risk that our patients are exposed to this virus, and the need to respond quickly if they are infected.”

    Clinicians and other health care providers can enter patient data into the Registry via a data collection tool on the ASH RC website. Data are analyzed on an ongoing basis and summaries are posted on the ASH RC’s publicly available dashboard, which now enables users to filter by hematologic malignancy. Later this month, the Registry will expand to include non-malignant hematologic diseases and complications associated with COVID-19, such as blood clotting.

    This observational registry is a new addition to the ASH RC Data Hub platform; the ASH RC Data Hub was launched in 2018 and designed to accelerate scientific discovery by gathering and facilitating the sharing of clinical data on rare blood diseases. In addition to housing data captured to better understand clinical practice and patient outcomes of COVID-19-positive patients, the Data Hub also includes data on multiple myeloma and sickle cell disease.

    For more information about the Registry, visit

  • 6 Jul 2020 2:51 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    Save the date in your diary for the HSANZ Tasmania Annual Meeting.  



    Friday 11th September 2020

    Merino Room, The Old Woolstore Hotel, 

    1 Macquarie Street, HOBART.

    6.30 pm            Arrival and registration

    6.50 pm            Entrée

    7.05 pm            A/Prof John Moore

                            St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney

    The Role of Autologous Stem Cell Transplant in Immune-mediated Disorders.

    7.35 pm            Main course

    8.00 pm            A/Prof Merrole Cole-Sinclairy

                            St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne

                            HSANZ Pitney Fellow – Haematology Training and Education over a Career.

    8.30 pm            Dessert

    Thank you to our generous sponsors BMS/Celgene, Janssen, Novartis and Roche.

    Register online.

    for bookings contact: Nick Murphy  

    Early registration is recommended as numbers are limited in view of COVID-19 Restrictions.

    This event is free for HSANZ members – SO JOIN NOW!

    $25 for non-HSANZ members.

  • 25 Jun 2020 10:05 AM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)

    Leanne Berkahn, President of HSANZ was invited to chair this Webinar on Thursday, 2 July 2020,  hosted by The Limbic.

    Hosted by Dr Leanne Berkahn, President of HSANZ, an expert in each field presented key trials covering myeloma, leukaemia and lymphoma and provided commentary on how the findings will have implications for clinical practice in Australia and New Zealand.

    With special guests:

    Myeloma: Professor Andrew Spencer

    Leukaemia: Associate Professor Anoop Enjeti

    Lymphoma: Dr Tara Cochrane 

    To watch or listen to this event, click here

  • 17 Jun 2020 4:18 PM | Valerie Orton (Administrator)
    The International Society for Laboratory Hematology virtual meeting will begin on Monday, June 22nd, 2020 and extend until Friday, September 25th, 2020.

    In support of our global educational mission, registration for the ISLH 2020 Virtual Meetings now FREE for all attendees (there will be a small charge for CE credits). Note that all attendees that have already paid for registration will receive a full refund within 2 weeks

    For information click here


145 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02 8097 8114

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